Leonardo Barilaro is back with his space-like, “ Chrysalis.” After the out-of-this-world success of his last space work, ‘ZER0:’ a space music composition played on the International Space Station. 'Chrysalis' an account of strength and change, soaking in its own melodic symbolism. Then the delicate hints of a piano start and you can simply hear the casing start to stir from its lethargic sleep.
This structure was recorded utilizing a ZANTA ZB200 grand piano. His whole journey towards merging arts and space is what really inspires me about him. Combining the arts and sciences together, just like what we’re doing today.
What do we do when we dream? Are our limbs capable of more than one movement in our dreams? the answer to both these questions is yes dreaming and imagination are limitless and with "Chrysalis" Leonardo shares this. Is music bound by gravity? I mean if you think about it it’s not, it’s everywhere and flies among the stars and this is also what “Chrysalis” expresses.
CLICK HERE TO STREAM | Leonardo Barilaro's "Chrysalis" on Spotify.
CONNECT WITH | Leonardo Barilaro: Instagram | Spotify | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Website

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