Denis Caouette, alongside the skilled MCDC duo, brightens the holiday season with their energetic new track, “Feliz Navidad.” Enriched with the distinct beats of cubaton, this song serves as a sincere tribute to Caouette’s Cuban ties, merging genuine Latin elements with festive joy.
“Feliz Navidad” is a vibrant burst of music, showcasing the energetic singing of Marie-Christine Tremblay and Caouette’s skillful playing on the guitarra tres cubano, an emblematic Cuban instrument. The song is enhanced by a strong brass group featuring saxophones, trumpet, and trombone, generating a joyful and celebratory mood reminiscent of a Christmas gathering on a sunny street in Havana.
What distinguishes this single is its profound authenticity. In the last ten years, Caouette has delved into Cuban music, gaining insights from musicians such as Rene Avich Wanton, Javier FC Villa, and Lorenzo Sanchez. This commitment is evident in “Feliz Navidad,” where each note embodies the spirit of Cuban musical traditions, intricately blended with the celebration of Christmas happiness.
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