Soul de Vienne serves up a resounding call to action with "Woman, We Rise," a passionate anthem honoring daughters, mothers, sisters, and women struggling to be heard and treated equally. This bold statement commands respect, solidarity, and dignity for everyone.
"Woman, We Rise," tends to speak from a place of purpose. Packed with soulful melodies and heartfelt lyrics, the track tells a story of empowerment, telling the world that everyone deserves equal treatment regardless of gender. No feeling is lost in each lyric, palpable with devotion towards justice and progression.
Soul de Vienne explained that this is a song for his daughters. This is a song for all women and Equality. An epic in its instrumentation and emoting, "Woman, We Rise" is a movement. It's an anthem for every woman who's ever been told she couldn't and for everyone who believes in a future where Equality isn't just an aspiration but a fact.

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